Education: BSE. Mechatronic Engineer specialization in intelligent systems (ITESM CVA - 2010).
Msc. Bussiness Management specialization in bussiness development (ITESM - 2015).
Industries: Banking, Telecommunication, Retail, eCommerce, Healthcare, Multimedia, Fast foods, Manufacturing, Logistics and Construction industries.
Expertise: Business Analysis, DevSecOps, Software Development, Process Automation, and Data Analysis.
Technical Skills:
- Web Development: RESTful APIs, GraphQL, Reactive web applications, MVC design pattern, and Microservices, PWA, Multi-tenant SaaS.
- UI Frameworks: ReactJS, Angular, Prime Faces, PrimeNg, Prime React Static Site Generators (Hugo, Jekyll, Gatsby).
- Environments: Ubuntu, Rhel, Amazon Linux 2/2023, Jboss EAP, WildFly, Tomcat, Nginx, Express.js, IIS, Apache.
- DevSecOps: Jenkins, CircleCI, Github Actions, Gitlab CI/DC, Terraform, Serverless, VeraCode, SonarCloud.
- AWS Services: CloudFormation, VPCs, EC2, ECS/ECR + Fargate, API Gateway, Elastic BeanStalk, RDS, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, Elastic Load Balancers.
- Programming Languages: Java SE, Java EE Spring Framework, SpringBoot, Node.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, Nest.js, Next.js, Angular, React.js, Express.js. Experienced with C#, C/C++, PHP, Matlab, Visual Lisp, Go, Python.
- Databases: Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres, SSIS, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Elasticsearch, Redis.
- Engineering Systems: Fundamental knowledge of engineering systems and industrial processes related to CAD, CAE, CAM, CAx, building HMIs, and Microprocessors.
Community Engagement:
- Active participation in open-source projects and contribution to developer communities such as Stack Overflow, GitHub,, and Medium.
I am constantly working on building a diverse skill set to well-equipped for roles that involve innovation, problem-solving, and technology-driven solutions across various industries.